
Bob Dylan goes back to school

In best grandpa ever news, kids from an upscale L.A. Kindergarten class have been coming home talking about the "weird man" who has been coming to class to play guitar and sing them "scary" songs. Turns out this scary, weird guy is Bob Dylan. His grandson (Onetime Wallflower Jakob Dylan's boy) attends the school in the ritzy L.A. suburb Calabasas.

Dylan says he's been singing to the kids just for fun, but they have no idea who he is. Too bad they have no idea they're in the presence of a musical legend. To them, he's just the weird guitar guy.


One Eyed View said...

Hey, that's an interesting post. I think maybe we'll here more of these kinds of stories from rock legends as the years pass.

Thanks for posting that!

MBD said...

It's good to hear these types of stories amidst the tales of giant robots and in-and-out of rehab stories. Dylan seems downright normal and human.

Unknown said...

Way to go Bob. I wish I had Dylan playing at my school as a child. I have seen the weird guitar player playing scary songs 3 times myself at concerts. I loved every moment, especially when I lucked in to 2nd row seats tickets at a gig in Minnieapolis. Yes, Bob Dylan is one of my heroes, and hearing what he is doing back at school makes him even more now.